[September 2021-2023] UNBC Bachelor of Education (Elementary) Program Template
E³ - Em's Educational Experience

Standard 7

Educators engage in professional learning.

Dur­ing my lat­est practicum, I recent­ly attend­ed Adri­enne Gear “Read­ing Pow­er” Sem­i­nar for my pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment. While this pro­gram does not apply to Kinder­gart­ner direct­ly, it was impor­tant to learn how stu­dents learn in the lat­er grades as we are prepar­ing them to read in the ear­ly pri­ma­ry years.
The fol­low­ing are the high­light­ed slides:


These are the graph­ic orga­niz­ers that can be used to help stu­dents improve their reading.
