E³ - Em's Educational Experience

[September 2021-2023] UNBC Bachelor of Education (Elementary) Program Template
E³ - Em's Educational Experience

E³ - Em's Educational Experience

[September 2021-2023] UNBC Bachelor of Education (Elementary) Program

Artifacts and Reflections

The point of the ePort­fo­lio is for the stu­dent to think and see how their iden­ti­ty, cul­ture, and edu­ca­tion are inter­con­nect­ed. Stu­dents have a space to reflect on their learn­ing, expe­ri­ences, iden­ti­ty, and cul­ture. Stu­dents...

Practicum Experience

In this sec­tion, you will find exam­ples of my incor­po­ra­tion of First People’s Prin­ci­ples of Learn­ing and Inclu­sive Edu­ca­tion. All exam­ples have come from var­i­ous practicum expe­ri­ences dur­ing my time in the UNBC edu­ca­tion program.

Interdisciplinary Learning

[Work In Progress]

First Peoples Principles of Learning

What is the First Peo­ples Prin­ci­ples of Learn­ing (FPPL)?The fol­low­ing Poster — from FNESChttp://www.fnesc.ca/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/PUB-LFP-POSTER-Principles-of-Learning-First-Peoples-poster-11x17.pdf C — Blog — by Jo Chrona from FNESChttps://firstpeoplesprinciplesoflearning.wordpress.com/ Learn­ing First Peo­ples Class­room Resources — from FNESChttp://www.fnesc.ca/learningfirstpeoples/   How does the...

Artifacts and Reflections

The point of the ePort­fo­lio is for the stu­dent to think and see how their iden­ti­ty, cul­ture, and edu­ca­tion are inter­con­nect­ed. Stu­dents have a space to reflect on their learn­ing, expe­ri­ences, iden­ti­ty, and cul­ture. Stu­dents can make their learn­ing vis­i­ble, to see their progress and to set goals for the future.

Remembrance Day Lesson — Art Grade 7

The following link is a canva project used in my Grade 7 art lesson plan that was cross-curricular. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFRVoPVuzM/beONK20H2HK4LRRMqjkaWA/view?utm_content=DAFRVoPVuzM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton The following link is the UNBC...
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FPPL Principle — Learning involves time and patience.

"Learning involves patience and time." -- EDUC 490 - Practicum ReflectionWhen designing lessons, I always consider how to incorporate the FPPL into my lessons. These...
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Reflections on Cross-Curricular Vocabulary Building and Summarization

         In our group’s unit plan for EDUC 400, we have a variety of lessons which have integrated subject areas with an interwoven theme focusing...
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Reflections on the Importance of Literacy when Learning Math

         The Institute of Educational Science (IES) has a number of recommendations or educators when providing mathematics support to struggling students. Their primary recommendation is...
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Reflections on “F.A.T. City Critical Review”

Research-based Framework needed for "Balanced Literacy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3UNdbxk3xs Trigger Warning - Language. Despite being made in 2013, it is not very PC by today's standards (2022)....
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Reflections on “Inclusion in Education, Literacy and Ableism”

            When I went to school in the 1980s and 1990s, segregated schooling seemed to be the norm.  Students who had behavioral issues, suffered severe...
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Practicum Experience

In this sec­tion, you will find exam­ples of my incor­po­ra­tion of First People’s Prin­ci­ples of Learn­ing and Inclu­sive Edu­ca­tion. All exam­ples have come from var­i­ous practicum expe­ri­ences dur­ing my time in the UNBC edu­ca­tion program.

Remembrance Day Lesson — Art Grade 7

The following link is a canva project used in my Grade 7 art lesson plan that was cross-curricular. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFRVoPVuzM/beONK20H2HK4LRRMqjkaWA/view?utm_content=DAFRVoPVuzM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton The following link is the UNBC...
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FPPL Principle — Learning involves time and patience.

"Learning involves patience and time." -- EDUC 490 - Practicum ReflectionWhen designing lessons, I always consider how to incorporate the FPPL into my lessons. These...
Read More "FPPL Principle — Learning involves time and patience."

Reflections on Cross-Curricular Vocabulary Building and Summarization

         In our group’s unit plan for EDUC 400, we have a variety of lessons which have integrated subject areas with an interwoven theme focusing...
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Reflections on the Importance of Literacy when Learning Math

         The Institute of Educational Science (IES) has a number of recommendations or educators when providing mathematics support to struggling students. Their primary recommendation is...
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Reflections on “F.A.T. City Critical Review”

Research-based Framework needed for "Balanced Literacy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3UNdbxk3xs Trigger Warning - Language. Despite being made in 2013, it is not very PC by today's standards (2022)....
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Reflections on “Inclusion in Education, Literacy and Ableism”

            When I went to school in the 1980s and 1990s, segregated schooling seemed to be the norm.  Students who had behavioral issues, suffered severe...
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EDUC 398 Math, Science and ADST Group Project for Grade 3

The following CANVA presentation was a group project that blends authentic learning, FPPL, and Math, Science and ADST. The lesson plans and their resources are...
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Developing Phonological Awareness by Focusing on Phonemic Awareness

The following reflection post was for a Pro-D web-seminar assigned for UNBC's EDUC 397, Humanities K-7 (2022 Spring Intersession Semester) - June 6th, 2022 https://vimeo.com/670412368...
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Interdisciplinary Learning

[Work In Progress]

Remembrance Day Lesson — Art Grade 7

The fol­low­ing link is a can­va project used in my Grade 7 art les­son plan that was cross-cur­ric­u­lar. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFRVoPVuzM/beONK20H2HK4LRRMqjkaWA/view?utm_content=DAFRVoPVuzM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton The fol­low­ing link is the UNBC tem­plate les­son plan. It includes my per­son­al reflec­tion: The fol­low­ing link is the print­able instruc­tions on how to fold an origa­mi pop­py: Addi­tion­al Origa­mi Models

FPPL Principle — Learning involves time and patience.

“Learn­ing involves patience and time.” — EDUC 490 — Practicum Reflec­tionWhen design­ing lessons, I always con­sid­er how to incor­po­rate the FPPL into my lessons. These prin­ci­ples allow for holis­tic, respect­ful, expe­ri­en­tial and rec­i­p­ro­cal learn­ing.Facil­i­tat­ing this Indige­nous way of learn­ing sup­ports teach­ing stu­dents with diverse needs. This is espe­cial­ly true with …

Reflections on Cross-Curricular Vocabulary Building and Summarization

         In our group’s unit plan for EDUC 400, we have a vari­ety of lessons which have inte­grat­ed sub­ject areas with an inter­wo­ven theme focus­ing on the Indige­nous tale of how trick­ster deity, the Raven stole the sun and gave it to the peo­ple of the world. As part of …

Reflections on the Importance of Literacy when Learning Math

         The Insti­tute of Edu­ca­tion­al Sci­ence (IES) has a num­ber of rec­om­men­da­tions or edu­ca­tors when pro­vid­ing math­e­mat­ics sup­port to strug­gling stu­dents. Their pri­ma­ry rec­om­men­da­tion is to use a sys­tem­at­ic approach to instruc­tion and inter­ven­tion. This means from the start of the school year, edu­ca­tion­al tools and resources used to teach …

Reflections on “F.A.T. City Critical Review”

Reflec­tions on “F.A.T. City Crit­i­cal Review”             This video was inter­est­ing to watch, as it showed some now out­dat­ed atti­tudes towards teach­ing.  I was first tak­en aback with some the out­dat­ed lan­guage the pre­sen­ter used such as the word “retard.” (Clear­wa­ter, 2018) The video also demon­strat­ed how cer­tain aspects of …

Reflections on “Inclusion in Education, Literacy and Ableism”

            When I went to school in the 1980s and 1990s, seg­re­gat­ed school­ing seemed to be the norm.  Stu­dents who had behav­ioral issues, suf­fered severe learn­ing dif­fi­cul­ties (SLD) or “could not fit into a reg­u­lar class­room” were often seg­re­gat­ed and put into a portable unit and taught out­side the regular …

EDUC 398 Math, Science and ADST Group Project for Grade 3

The fol­low­ing CANVA pre­sen­ta­tion was a group project that blends authen­tic learn­ing, FPPL, and Math, Sci­ence and ADST. The les­son plans and their resources are avail­able through down­load links embed­ded in the pre­sen­ta­tion. Per­mis­sion is grant­ed from all par­ties to use or adapt them for your class­room. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFDQ_1pZG4/vn6JQ8AseP6t_vkOWpXGnw/view?utm_content=DAFDQ_1pZG4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink

Developing Phonological Awareness by Focusing on Phonemic Awareness

The fol­low­ing reflec­tion post was for a Pro‑D web-sem­i­­nar assigned for UNBC’s EDUC 397, Human­i­ties K‑7 (2022 Spring Inter­s­es­sion Semes­ter) — June 6th, 2022 Devel­op­ing Phono­log­i­cal Aware­ness by Focus­ing on Phone­mic Aware­ness             Dur­ing our inten­sive week of stud­ies at UNBC in Prince George, we dis­cussed the 5 Pil­lars of Reading …

Theory of Action — Personal Reflection

         Steven Katz (n.d.) “There is no sin­gle big­ger pre­dic­tor of stu­dent learn­ing and achieve­ment than qual­i­ty of class­room instruc­tion that kids are exposed to.” The onus of stu­dent learn­ing and achieve­ment falls on the qual­i­ty of my class­room instruc­tion.  If I teach poor­ly they will like­ly do poor­ly, but if I …