[September 2021-2023] UNBC Bachelor of Education (Elementary) Program Template
X‑Curricular Unit Plan — EDUC 346

X‑Curricular Unit Plan — EDUC 346

The fol­low­ing Cross-Cur­ric­u­lar Unit Plan was devel­oped for EDUC 346 with the help of my cohorts.
My con­tri­bu­tion is the Math and ADST por­tion and Social Emo­tion­al Learn­ing (SEL)
I intend to imple­ment the ADST cod­ing por­tion over the sum­mer as a learn­ing exer­cise for my myself on teach­ing cod­ing to ele­men­tary school kids.
I will make some step by step tuto­ri­als after break­ing down the final project. (Back­wards design).
The cur­rent scratch pro­grams work but the inten­tion is sim­ply for demon­stra­tion pur­pos­es. I need time to imple­ment it and use bet­ter art.
Media Sources are ref­er­enced in the unit out­line and in the Scratch 3.0 project documentation.

