[September 2021-2023] UNBC Bachelor of Education (Elementary) Program Template
Standard 6
Educators demonstrate a broad knowledge base and an understanding of areas they teach.
Thanks to my UNBC program, I am well-versed in understanding the Big ideas, Core competencies and the BC Curriculum Content. During my final practicum, my lesson unit plans for Math and Science specifically targeted new areas of learning for my students. However, this was a challenge, as only a quarter of the class was ready to move onto the next step in Math due to low numeracy skills. FPPL states, “learning takes patience and time.” While I initially wanted to move to subtraction by the end of my practicum, it was evident the students still need to practice their addition when adding numbers to ten, to build their number fluency and mental math skills. My level of Math is far exceeding the elementary level, but I feel it is important to try and distill the concepts and let students try various ways of solving problems. It is equally important to provide students a path to success. For Valentine’s Day, I designed a way to visually practice decomposing 5s or 10s which mapped the two addends and their sum.
Fishing with paperclips — how to make a paperclip magnetic.