[September 2021-2023] UNBC Bachelor of Education (Elementary) Program Template
E³ - Em's Educational Experience


The blog post con­tains Les­son plans / Pre­sen­ta­tions for teach­ing the Japan­ese Lan­guage to begin­ners based on the B.C. Cur­ricu­lum.
These lessons can be adapt­ed to Grades 5 — 7. It is expect­ed that by Grade 7, stu­dents will be start­ing to read hira­gana and katakana, and move away from roma­ji. How­ev­er, true begin­ners can learn more foun­da­tion­al Japan­ese sen­tence struc­tures and vocab­u­lary by using roma­ji first and work­ing towards the oth­er writ­ing sys­tems sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly. This is the approach I took dur­ing my practicum and we end­ed with intro­duc­ing the hira­gana forms of あ、い、う、え、お (A, I, U, E, O).

The fol­low­ing links are Can­va pre­sen­ta­tions to intro­duce sim­ple greet­ings, col­ors and sim­ple sen­tence struc­tures need­ed for intro­duc­tions and talk­ing about what you like / dis­like in Japanese:

Intro­duc­tion to Japan­ese (Note this pre­sen­ta­tion was added to over time. I sug­gest not doing every­thing in once les­son.
Let’s learn Japan­ese! (Includes greet­ings and col­ors)
What do you like? (Talk­ing about things you like /dislike).
Review Col­ors — Col­or Bin­go! (Adjec­tive Forms for Col­ors / Pri­ma­ry Col­ors)

Learn Hira­gana through Karu­ta.
Learn Tori­fu­da! (Pick­up cards).

Learn Yomi­fu­da! (Clue cards)
Let’s play KARUTA!