[September 2021-2023] UNBC Bachelor of Education (Elementary) Program Template
Author: <span>egeorges</span>

Provocation — What role do e‑portfolios play in the process of being a reflective practitioner, and how do you expect to use an e‑portfolio once you graduate from your pre-service program?

   At first when I was cre­at­ing my e‑portfolio, I felt its pri­ma­ry pur­pose was to share my edu­ca­tion­al phi­los­o­phy and explore the var­i­ous ped­a­go­gies that I sub­scribe to. This would not only help my UNBC pro­fes­sors do for­ma­tive assess­ments to see how my learn­ing is pro­gress­ing, but also con­vey to …

Provocation Exit Ticket — “Why do teachers need digital citizenship and how can they be good digital citizens?”

            The BCTF Code of Ethics and the sec­ond BCTC Pro­fes­sion­al Stan­dard expect teach­ers to be role mod­els in and out of the class­room (BCTC, 2019).  Teach­ers need to be good cit­i­zens and this extends to the dig­i­tal domain with today’s 21st cen­tu­ry soci­ety. By explic­it­ly teach­ing what good digital …

Provocation Exit Ticket — “What should the role of assessment be in elementary (K‑7) education?”

            It is essen­tial for teach­ers to be able to track, diag­nose and eval­u­ate their stu­dents’ learn­ing. Assess­ments are essen­tial for us to know if our stu­dents have grasped the new­ly taught mate­r­i­al. When the next top­ic to learn is based on the pre­vi­ous one, we need to be sure …