[September 2021-2023] UNBC Bachelor of Education (Elementary) Program Template
About Your Blog Posts

About Your Blog Posts

Blog posts are intend­ed to be for­ma­tive and used as a means for self-reflection.

Most of the resources in this e‑portfolio are arranged in [Pages].  This entry is a [Post]. So DO NOT “edit” the page. Add a “new” post instead.

Some of the key dif­fer­ences between posts and pages are:

  • Posts are time­ly con­tent part of a series of posts in a blog. Pages are sta­t­ic doc­u­ments which are not tied to the blog’s reverse chrono­log­i­cal order of content
  • Pages can be hier­ar­chi­cal, which means a page can have sub pages, for exam­ple a par­ent page titled “About us” can have a sub-page called “Our his­to­ry”. On the oth­er hand posts are not hierarchical.
  • By default posts in Word­Press can be sort­ed into tax­onomies Cat­e­gories and Tags. Pages do not have cat­e­gories or tags
  • Word­Press posts are dis­played in RSS feeds while Pages are exclud­ed from feeds.

Posts are a great way to record short reflec­tions on a par­tic­u­lar top­ic.  When you are ready to start adding posts to your ePort­fo­lio delete this post and add your own.

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